Monday, November 15, 2010

Fat Can Be Your Friend!?


Recently a coworker asked me about healthy snack foods and what she was eating for lunch. After some discussion I came to find out that her lunch had little to no fat. Her response for me was "duh, that's the Idea". My response to this was, NOPE!

This is a common myth with many people trying to tighten up their diet, the less fat you eat the more fat you lose. This is not exactly true. I'm not talking about any fat either, there favorable sources of fat consumed in proper portions that can benefit you. The thing about fat is that it contains 9 calories per gram compared to protein and carbohydrates which each contain 4 calories per gram. So foods high in fat naturally are going to be higher in calories. Rather than just focusing on low fat intake concentrate more so on the amount of calories you are eating, and try to balance the portions of protein carbs, and fat in each meal. Dr Sears Zone recommends the calories in meals to be 30% from Protein, 40% from carbs, and 30% from fat.

Some favorable sources of fat include, Nuts, seeds, avocado, and various oils. These are fats that can increase your good cholesterol which can help prevent heart disease.

Time to trade in the cheese burgers and ice cream for some almonds and avocado!

Josh S.

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