Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yup its getting cold, well never know when you live in Texas. Trying to workout outside may not be such a great Idea, but I will try to figure something out though. Your fitness need will need to be met some how. I will be in Virginia for ten days, but I will still probably have randomness posted on here every once and a while.

Keep finding ways to get your workouts in for the rest of the month, visit some gyms, yoga studios, ect. Don't get completely lazy during the holiday. Watch your food intake to, easy on the pie and mashed potatoes, and wine! I know we are all going to eat that stuff anyway, but at least take in it smaller portions.

I'm looking forward to the Christmas Holiday, and I'm looking forward to start working out with you all again!
Josh S.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010 HHS:

The group is getting slim, we will still have a good workout!

Sandbag squats 30lbs
Handstand Pushups
5 burpees at the top of every minuet

Last Call:
Tabata Box jumps!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 HHS

5 rounds:
400m run
30 pushpress

Last Call:
Situps & Planks

Monday, November 29th, 2010 HHS

3 rounds:
1min inverted pullups
1min pushups
1min boxjumps
1min lunges
1min doubleunders

Count your reps each round

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 HHS

Ring Stability, and Dips

Double unders

Tabata time after
Post time to comments

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Partner session in honor of Tracey and Josh Duvall, who are now engaged as of this past weekend!!! Congratulations to you both.

Sand Bag Press:

For Time:
Wheel Barrow Down
Partner Drag Back
80 pushups
Wheel Barrow Down
Partner Drag Back
70 Box Jumps Back
Wheel Barrow Down
Partner Drag Back
60 Burpees

Each partner will wheel barrow down, and partner drag back before each exercise, just take turns.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 HHS

Ring rows & Rolling Burpees

For Time:
21 situp to Pushup
800m Run
15 situp to Pushup
400m Run
9 situp to pushup
200m Run

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fat Can Be Your Friend!?


Recently a coworker asked me about healthy snack foods and what she was eating for lunch. After some discussion I came to find out that her lunch had little to no fat. Her response for me was "duh, that's the Idea". My response to this was, NOPE!

This is a common myth with many people trying to tighten up their diet, the less fat you eat the more fat you lose. This is not exactly true. I'm not talking about any fat either, there favorable sources of fat consumed in proper portions that can benefit you. The thing about fat is that it contains 9 calories per gram compared to protein and carbohydrates which each contain 4 calories per gram. So foods high in fat naturally are going to be higher in calories. Rather than just focusing on low fat intake concentrate more so on the amount of calories you are eating, and try to balance the portions of protein carbs, and fat in each meal. Dr Sears Zone recommends the calories in meals to be 30% from Protein, 40% from carbs, and 30% from fat.

Some favorable sources of fat include, Nuts, seeds, avocado, and various oils. These are fats that can increase your good cholesterol which can help prevent heart disease.

Time to trade in the cheese burgers and ice cream for some almonds and avocado!

Josh S.

Monday, November 15, 2010 HHS:

This workout was on the main site Saturday, and we did the same one for Kyle's class. I had to modify the movements today because I don't have some of the equipment necessary, but its pretty close. I had a horrible time, I may try to redeem myself today.

Its a fun one!

4 Rounds
100 foot Walking lunge with a sandbag overhead
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
20 Sandbag Thrusters
10 Handstand push-ups
Post time to comments

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Quote

"It's simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying about what the other fellow is going to do."

-John R. Amos

This quote really puts some of my thoughts into words. Sometimes people get so caught up in competition, and other peoples performance rather than focusing on what they are doing themselves. This just ends up becoming a distraction and prevents you from completing your tasks efficiently.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 HHS

Kipping Pullup Practice

Three rounds
In groups of 2
Max burpee Pullups in two mins
Max Pushpress in two mins
Max Front squats in two mins
Rest 1min in between rounds

Last call:
20 KTE
30 Half Get Ups
40 Floor Wipers

Post total number of each exercise in all three rounds:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010 HHS:

Happy Late Birthday To Becca


Vertical leap test!!

Beccas B Day HHS!!!!:
25 boxjumps
Run 1/2 way down hill
25 situps
Run to the bottom of the hill
25 squats
Sprint all the way up hill
25 double unders
Run 1/2 way down hill
25 situps
Run to the bottom of the hill
25 squats
Sprint all the way up hill
25 burpees
Run 1/2 way down hill
25 situps
Run to the bottom of the hill
25 squats
Sprint all the way up hill

Stretchy Time!
Post time to comments

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 HHS:

Halloween Eve

I cant take credit for the workout you are about to do. Kyle Brandt, aka: "The God Father" owner of Brandt Crossfit, invented this dooozy a few years ago. I have done this several times and I wanted to share it with you all.

Thanks Kyle!!

“Nine Levels of Death!”

For time:
10 Pushups

10 Situps
10 Squats
Run down steps (9 floors)
Run up steps
20 Pushups
20 Situps
20 Squats
Run down steps
Run up steps
30 Pushups
30 Situps
30 Squats
Run down steps
Run up steps
40 Pushups
40 Situps
40 Squats
Run down steps
Run up steps
50 Pushups
50 Situps
50 Squats

Post time to comments

Shoot for under 20mins

-workout starts and ends on top floor of parking garage.
-scaled versions will be an option

Monday, November 1, 2010

New book Im reading, so far its great!

Quick workout today!

Dynamic stretches
Headstand practice

50m sand bag run
21-Sand Bag Thrusters
50m sand bag run
15-Sand Bag Thrusters
50m sand bag run
9-Sand Bag Thrusters
50m sand bag run

Be sure you go crazy!

Post Time to comments

By the way, I am attempting to eat pretty strict palio for 30 days minus two or three cheat meals during the week...I will try to not even have that much. I am going to keep a food journal of what I eat to help with the experiment. Let me know if your interested, I can help you get started. It's going to take a lot of effort but the results will be worth it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 HHS:

Miranda Oldroyd

Warm Up:
Arm Rotations
Leg swings
Kipping/strict Pull up practice
Shoulder clean Practice (I'm going to be picky)

100 Shoulder cleans
Waiter Carry every rest
(any pause longer than 2 seconds constitutes a rest or any time the bag is dropped)

Last Call:
Run 1 mile timed

If we have a large group today...Team Workout!!!
With a partner:
150 Sand bag Cleans/Box Jumps
400m Over Head Carry/Run
Partner A will clean while partner B does box jumps. When partner A stops doing cleans then both partners switch. Continue the cycle until you reach a total of 150 cleans. Then Partner A will begin the 400m OH carry with the sand bag while partner B runs all the way around back to the partner with the sand bag then switch. Continue this cycle until the sand bag makes its way around the full 400m

Post workout, workout time, and mile time (if you do the mile) to comments:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Warm Up:

Dynamic swings and rotations
30 squats slow & good form

Handstand practice


50 Double unders
40 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees
40 Double unders
30 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees
30 Double unders
20 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees
20 Double unders
10 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees

Last Call:
Tabata Hollow rocks

Compare to July 14th 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 HHS:

"Go Rangers"

Max "runs" in 15mins

3 burpees
Sprint to 1st
6 Pullups
Sprint to 2nd
9 Pushups
Sprint to 3rd
12 squats
Sprint Home

Continue this cycle and complete as many home runs as you can in 15 mins.

Post Runs to comments:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know no one has anything better to do at 9am this Saturday so that means everyone can come to the Hallowod!! right?

The event will be at lululemon on 7th street Saturday the 23rd at 9am in the back parking lot (lulu is right next door to that tanning place). Kyle came up with an awesome workout to do this day, and yes we will be preforming the workout in costumes (costumes are optional, yet encouraged). The workout will be for all levels so if you have never done crossfit, no worries, you will still be able to do the workout, trust me. There will be beer, food, music, and feel free to bring the kiddos because there will be some fun stuff for them to do as well. This event is free to you, however, Savehaven of Tarrant County will be accepting costumes and accessory contributions for children that were victim to abusive homes, and I believe Embargo will be selling some grilled goodness to eat.

I hope everyone can make it, its going to be a lot of fun!

Holla if you have questions
Josh S.


Monday, October 18, 2010 HHS

Sorry im just posting this, busy day yesterday!

Warm Up:
Dynamic stretches
10 squats facing the wall

400m run
40 jump tucks
30 pike pushups
30jump tucks
20pike pushups
20jump tucks
10pike pushups
400m run
Last Call:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 HHS:

Team Workout!!

3 rounds
Max ring rows in 30 seconds

150 Sand bag shoulder cleans
100 Dips
50 Boxjumps

While one partner does the exercises above the other partner does a 40 yard sprint down and does 5 burpees and sprints back then switches with their partner. Continue this cycle until you complete all of the exercises.

Post partner and time to comments

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010 HHS:

Warm up:
Rotations & Swings
Bear crawls& Crab walks

25 broad jumps
50 front squats
75 pushups
50 front squats
25 broad jumop

Last Call:
100 situps for time

Post time to comments:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Partner Workout!

Warm up:
Crank That Soulja Boy think I'm joking?

HHS "Crank Dat":
21 Sandbag Thrusters
20 yard sand bag sprint down
20 yard sand bag sprint back
15 Thrusters
20 yard sand bag sprint down
20 yard sand bag sprint back
9 thrusters
20 yard sand bag sprint down
20 yard sand bag sprint back

Partner 1 and Partner 2 Start at the beginning of the 20 yard sprint mark. Partner 1 begins with the thrusters, as partner 2 begins mountain climbers. Once partner 1 finishes the thrusters they sprint down 20 yards and back 20 yards. Once they get back to partner 2 they switch places. Partner 1 does mountain climbers, and partner 2 does Thrusters and the sand bag sprint. The workout is complete when both Partners finish 21, 15, 9 thrusters and a 40 yard sprint after each round.

Last Call:
Ring Stability

Post name of partner & time to comments:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010 HHS

Welcome to October! The weather has been great which means the workouts will be even greater.
Warm Up:
Fun Stuff

HHS as RX:
5 Rounds
40box jumps
40 situps
400m run

3 Rounds
40 boxjumps
40 situps
400m run

5 rounds
20 boxjumps
20 situps
200m run

Post which version you do and time to comments

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 HHS:

Warm up:
Dynamic stretches

Sand bag cleans

3 rounds
10 Sand Bag shoulder power cleans (alternate shoulders)
10 Sand Bag Pushpress
20 yard lunge
10 burpees
20 yard sprint back
1 min rest between rounds

Last Call:
Yoga style Cool down

On cleans, pushpress and sprints work on power and being explosive. You get one min rest in between rounds so you are able to go all out each round.
post the sum of your times from all three rounds to comments:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Warm up:
3 rounds
5 inverted burpees
10 pullups
15 situps

5 rounds
30 doubleunders
30 squats

Last Call:
6 Plank Holds
30 seconds on
10 seconds rest

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Remember the Rahr Oktoberfest 5K is going down this Saturday. If your not registered yet click here ! It should be some fun times afterward with beer, food, live music, BEER! Don't forget to wear your lederhosen.

If you want to workout from home:

50 squats
400m run
Post time to comments

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 HHS:

Warm up:
Dynamic Stretches
10 double unders, or 5 mins of double unders

5 rounds Max Ring Rows
5 rounds Max Strict Pushups or Weighted Pushups/ If you did a lot of pushups at Abundios Studio yesterday do max ring dips, or do handstand pushups
5-40 Yard sprints 1 min rest in between

6 rounds of Plank Holds
30 Seconds on 10 seconds off
post total number of reps and sprint times to comments.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Working out from home today?:

Try this out:
5 rounds
20 bupees
30 Situps
400m run

If you're ever interested in any yoga classes this is where I go sometimes, indigo yoga. If you haven't tried yoga definitely give it a shot sometime. It may not burn a ton of calories, but its a great complement to all the exercises we do that make us really tight and sore all the time. Yoga is great for Balance, agility, flexibility and it actually takes quite a bit of strength to do some of the movements, depend on the class level of difficulty. Its also a great way to relieve some stress that we all deal with day to day.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010 HHS:

1st and 2nd place women from the 2010 Crossfit Games
Warm Up:
Dynamic Stretches
400m Run

5mins of double unders or 10 double unders
Handstands, and Front rolls!!!

For Completion
Sand bag powercleans
Sand bag Over Head Lunges
Sand bag run after each set

post time to comments
Happy Monday, How was everyones weekend?
Josh S.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010 Friday Quote!

What keeps me going is goals.
-Muhammad Ali

Kyle has a popular workout scheduled for tomorrow at 11am at the Arlington Heights Track Across the street from Central Market. Come workout with me and the rest of the Downtown Crossfit Crew.

Also, if your in the mood for something new, tomorrow morning 10:00 am there will be a free belly dancing class at lululemon on 7th st. I dont think anyone will be able to handle my hip movement because they dont lie! So I will probably sit this one out, but it could be fun for you ladies.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here is your workout if you need one to do at home.


-Sit-up, come all the way up to your feet, then bend into a pike pushup

If you need an explanation or demonstration give me a call (682) 560-0242

Post time to comments

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 HHS


Warm up:
Dynamic Stretches
Deep Lunges

Vertical leap Test

Partner Session:
Complete for time
800m run
100 yard Partner drag
100 box jumps (Combined)

Last Call:

Rahr 5K!

I know most of you know about the Rahr Oktoberfest 5k!!! I'm going to register tomorrow since its payday, WOOT! Running is the last thing I ever want to do, but its not as bad with friends. After we can reward ourselves with some tasty, fizzy, beverages! A 5k will also rack up some points for our work challenge. Check out the link for details.

If you need a workout today...

Max rounds in 20 mins.

9 Jump Tucks
12 situps
15 Lunges

post rounds to comments:


Just a heads up, tomorrows workout is going to be at the Radio shack hill! We may or may not use the hill though.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Do 10 double unders or practice them for 5 mins

OHS & Snatch form:
30 Ring Rows

Max rounds in 15 mins.
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Thursday, September 9, 2010


4 rounds
5mins of doubleunders

Ring Dips

Timed L Holds

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We are going to try this one out again, since it was so nasty outside yesterday.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Lunges

3-5 rounds of
30 Jump Squats

Timed L Holds
3 Rounds

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Make Up day!

Todays image was inspired by some co-workers

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Lunges
3-5 rounds of
30 Jump Squats

Timed L Holds
3 Rounds
For those of you that need something to do at home:

Max Rounds in 20 mins
30 squats
400m run

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010 Friday Quote


True happiness is the full use of your powers along lines of excellence in a life affording scope.

-John F. Kennedy

Remember this Sunday is day one of our Healthy change challenge. Even though its a three day weekend we can still put aside 20 mins each day to either go running, ride a bike, find a place to do Yoga. Here is a web site that has online Yoga . You can either check out this site or just google Yoga videos.

Everyone have a fun safe Labor day weekend, and I will see you on Tuesday!

What type of workouts are you planning on doing this weekend. Post them to comments.

Josh S.

Its almost time for our team challenge, and I hope everyone is ready to work hard. Remember points are great, but our positive fitness results are the true rewards. Keep an eye out for some more links, and videos that I will be posting here on the blog very soon.I will post some video links to instructional videos that will help you with form for certain movements, and also some links that will help give you some exercise Ideas. Hopefully these resources can help you reach your fitness goals.

I'm excited about getting started and seeing the types of activities we all get into. Lets have some fun with this! Feel free to leave comments with questions, suggestions, and anything else on your mind.

Josh S.
If you need a workout today, this ones for you:

5 Rounds for time of:

10 Chair dips
20 Situps
30 walking lunges

Post time to comments

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 HHS

Its the first day of September Bootcamp...lets start it out with some fun!

3 rounds
5 Ring Rows
3 rounds
5 pullups (work on Kipp)

for 12 mins
20 doubleunders & 5 Burpees

Last Call:

On person is at each station, when the doubleunder/burpee person is done they will go to the rest station, rest station person to pull up station, pullup person to pushups, pushup person to getups, and getup to doubleunder/burpees. we will continue this cycle for 12 mins. Count your total number of reps completed.

Post total number of reps completed to comments

Josh S.

What are your goals?

When you get a chance list some of your goals under comments. It can be anything, fitness related or not.

Our work challenge is coming up, and I am looking forward so see how we all do in this three month window. My only concern is that people get too caught up with the contest. For instance, someone can gain 5 points from riding a bike at a slow pace reading a magazine, and hardly break a sweat. This differs from the person that biked for 20mins at a high intensity till their legs start to burn. Its true you can get the same points for less effort, but you will not get the same physical results. All I am saying is that you can get the so much more out of that 20 mins than just 5 points to put on paper.

Its cool that we have a chance to win some money, but, as cheesy as it may sound, the true reward is your over all physical improvement. You have the ability to significantly become more fit and healthy during this time.

I want to make a deal with everyone. I will provide some tools you can use to help you with your fitness goals , and all I ask is that you use them when you need them.
Josh S.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Workout in the Shade!

Warm up:
Dynamic stretches
3 Rounds
5 Pushups
10 mountain climbers
1 lap

Handstand practice

Max rounds in 15mins
6 inverted burpees
9 broadjumps
12 Sand bag clean and press

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I had my first long board experience yesterday. It was pretty fun, but my roommate bit it...fell straight on his ace (haha)! I want to encourage everyone to try something new like this every once and a while. It could involve playing sand volleyball, going salsa dancing, or mountain biking...anything. lululemon always has free classes that involve different activities, and I will try to let everyone know when they will have them in advance.

If you need a workout...

Practice something you need to work on for 20 mins.

Some examples...

You can work on handstands, squat form, Doubleunders...anything, and if you need a reminder about how to do something just ask and I will show you.

Have a good day

Josh S.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 HHS

Dynamic Stretches
2 Rounds
10 OHS
10 Front Squats

50 boxjumps
75 situps
100 double unders
50 boxjumps
25 burpees

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Warm up:
Dynamic Stretches
Practice pistols

5Weighted Pushups or 5 strist Pushups (x5)

3 rounds
40 Lunges
20 Handstand Pushups/pike pushups
400 m
Post time to comments:

Friday, August 20, 2010

To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it.

-Bunker Hunt

Whats up crew!

Kyle is having his Crossfit class at Trinity Park on 7th st. across from the lululemon store. We are all meeting at lululemon at 11:00am this Saturday, and then going across the street for the crazyness! Everyone is welcome to come, so I hope see you all out there. Give me a call if you need help finding it 682-650-0242

Josh S.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crazy Sidewalk Painting!
If you need a workout today:
For time:
Run 1 mile
Jump Squats
Pike Pushups
Run 1 mile
Post time to comments:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 HHS



Warm up:
3 rounds
10 pushups
15 Lunges

1 min sandbag push press
Rest 30 seconds
1 min doubleunders
Rest 30 seconds
1 min sandbag cleans
Rest 30 seconds
1 min box jumps
Rest 30 seconds
1 min sits ups
During the rest period, after each exercise, I am going to ask you for the number of reps you managed to do with in that minuet.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO KEEP COUNT, I will tell you why after you finish...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Was it an African swallow or an American swallow?
What was one of your favorite movies growing up?
I found this picture and had to post it...classic movie!
If you are looking for a workout...
Run a 5k
Post your time to comments.
If you don't run a 5k post your distance, and time to comments

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 16th, 2010 HHS:

I don't know about you all, but I kinda feel like Jelly Man after this weekend. I hope everyone had a fun safe weekend, and now its time to be less like jelly man!

Sandbag Squat Cleans

Warm up:
3 rounds
10 Pike Pushups
1 lap

HHS: "The Sand Man"
Sandbag sprint
21-sandbag thrusters
Sandbag sprint
15-sandbag thrusters
Sandbag sprint
9-sandbag thrusters
Sandbag sprint

Last Call:
Tabata Situps

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I thought this was a cool picture because it depicts the choices we have to make in our lives, and even on a daily basis. I like it because it doesn't show one way as the right way to go and the other way as the wrong way to go. It just shows us a decision that needs to be made.