Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 HHS:

Miranda Oldroyd

Warm Up:
Arm Rotations
Leg swings
Kipping/strict Pull up practice
Shoulder clean Practice (I'm going to be picky)

100 Shoulder cleans
Waiter Carry every rest
(any pause longer than 2 seconds constitutes a rest or any time the bag is dropped)

Last Call:
Run 1 mile timed

If we have a large group today...Team Workout!!!
With a partner:
150 Sand bag Cleans/Box Jumps
400m Over Head Carry/Run
Partner A will clean while partner B does box jumps. When partner A stops doing cleans then both partners switch. Continue the cycle until you reach a total of 150 cleans. Then Partner A will begin the 400m OH carry with the sand bag while partner B runs all the way around back to the partner with the sand bag then switch. Continue this cycle until the sand bag makes its way around the full 400m

Post workout, workout time, and mile time (if you do the mile) to comments:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Warm Up:

Dynamic swings and rotations
30 squats slow & good form

Handstand practice


50 Double unders
40 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees
40 Double unders
30 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees
30 Double unders
20 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees
20 Double unders
10 Jump squats
5 Inverted burpees

Last Call:
Tabata Hollow rocks

Compare to July 14th 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 HHS:

"Go Rangers"

Max "runs" in 15mins

3 burpees
Sprint to 1st
6 Pullups
Sprint to 2nd
9 Pushups
Sprint to 3rd
12 squats
Sprint Home

Continue this cycle and complete as many home runs as you can in 15 mins.

Post Runs to comments:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I know no one has anything better to do at 9am this Saturday so that means everyone can come to the Hallowod!! right?

The event will be at lululemon on 7th street Saturday the 23rd at 9am in the back parking lot (lulu is right next door to that tanning place). Kyle came up with an awesome workout to do this day, and yes we will be preforming the workout in costumes (costumes are optional, yet encouraged). The workout will be for all levels so if you have never done crossfit, no worries, you will still be able to do the workout, trust me. There will be beer, food, music, and feel free to bring the kiddos because there will be some fun stuff for them to do as well. This event is free to you, however, Savehaven of Tarrant County will be accepting costumes and accessory contributions for children that were victim to abusive homes, and I believe Embargo will be selling some grilled goodness to eat.

I hope everyone can make it, its going to be a lot of fun!

Holla if you have questions
Josh S.


Monday, October 18, 2010 HHS

Sorry im just posting this, busy day yesterday!

Warm Up:
Dynamic stretches
10 squats facing the wall

400m run
40 jump tucks
30 pike pushups
30jump tucks
20pike pushups
20jump tucks
10pike pushups
400m run
Last Call:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 HHS:

Team Workout!!

3 rounds
Max ring rows in 30 seconds

150 Sand bag shoulder cleans
100 Dips
50 Boxjumps

While one partner does the exercises above the other partner does a 40 yard sprint down and does 5 burpees and sprints back then switches with their partner. Continue this cycle until you complete all of the exercises.

Post partner and time to comments

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010 HHS:

Warm up:
Rotations & Swings
Bear crawls& Crab walks

25 broad jumps
50 front squats
75 pushups
50 front squats
25 broad jumop

Last Call:
100 situps for time

Post time to comments:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Partner Workout!

Warm up:
Crank That Soulja Boy

...you think I'm joking?

HHS "Crank Dat":
21 Sandbag Thrusters
20 yard sand bag sprint down
20 yard sand bag sprint back
15 Thrusters
20 yard sand bag sprint down
20 yard sand bag sprint back
9 thrusters
20 yard sand bag sprint down
20 yard sand bag sprint back

Partner 1 and Partner 2 Start at the beginning of the 20 yard sprint mark. Partner 1 begins with the thrusters, as partner 2 begins mountain climbers. Once partner 1 finishes the thrusters they sprint down 20 yards and back 20 yards. Once they get back to partner 2 they switch places. Partner 1 does mountain climbers, and partner 2 does Thrusters and the sand bag sprint. The workout is complete when both Partners finish 21, 15, 9 thrusters and a 40 yard sprint after each round.

Last Call:
Ring Stability

Post name of partner & time to comments:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010 HHS

Welcome to October! The weather has been great which means the workouts will be even greater.
Warm Up:
Fun Stuff

HHS as RX:
5 Rounds
40box jumps
40 situps
400m run

3 Rounds
40 boxjumps
40 situps
400m run

5 rounds
20 boxjumps
20 situps
200m run

Post which version you do and time to comments