Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 HHS:

Haven't seen this yet, but I want to!

Warm up:

2 min of jump rope

400m run


On the min for 10mins Complete

10 Pushups

20 Squats

40 yard sprint for every incomplete round

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 HHS:

5 Rounds

1 min Pullups
1 min Pushups
1 min Boxjumps
1 min Situps
1 min Lunges

rest 1 min

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

See you at the Hill!!

Today we will meet at the radio shack hill. Bring your water cuz its hot!

Quick Warm up


Complete for time:

20 Wall Walks

Down and up the hill

60 Box jumps

Down and up the hill

80 Lunges

Down and up the hill

Last Call:


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I am going to start using this blog a lot more again. I just wasn't finding any time to post. Happy June BTW! Its getting hot outside so be sure you bring plenty of water with you to the workout. I don't want any one passing out on some burpees or anything...I'm excited for the new month, and looking forward to training with everyone =)

Wednesday June 7th (tomorrow) I am going to have a make up workout at the hill because I missed last Thursday. So don't forget for workout gear if you can make it. We will meet at the hill this time rather than running over there. Your more than welcome to run if you want to though. Bring a few quarters for the meter if you decide to drive though.

Here is today's workout...see you after work!

3 Rounds Max Rep Pullups

1 min rest in between rounds


50Double Unders

50 Squats

40 DU

40 Squats

30 DU

30 Squats

20 DU

20 Squats

10 DU

10 Squats

Last Call:

4 rounds

Tabata Hollow Rocks

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011 HHS

WOOOOHOOOO! Happy Cinco De Mayo!! YEYEYEYE!!!

5 rounds
15 pushups
30 double unders
Stair climb =)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ready For May Workouts in Downtown??

Warm Up:
Practice Pistols

30 Sand bag cleans
30 box jumps
40 Sand bag squats
20 box jumps
50 Sand bag pushpress
10 box jumps

Last Call:
Tabata situps after

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011 HHS:

Warm up:
Dynamic stretches
400m group sand bag run

Max rounds in 15mins
6 Ledge walks
12 Jump squats
40 yard sprint

Last Call:
3 Rounds
5 Knees to elbows
10 Floor wipers
15 Hollow rocks

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday April 26, 2011

50 Doubleunders
20 burpee box jumps
200m run
30 doubleunders
10 burpee box jumps
400m run
10 doubleunders
5 burpee box jumps
800m run

Last Call:

Abs if there is time

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 HHS:

-Dynamic Stretches:


5 Rounds

Pull-Up Train

Rest 2 Mins


Bench dips

Pike Pushups

-Last Call:

Tabata Squats!!!

Stretch and Recover

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 HHS

Did we just become best friends?

-Dynamic stretches
-Partner warm up:

With a Partner:
200m Run
40 Inverted burpees
200m Run
60 OH Lunges
200m Run
80 Shoulder Cleans
200m run
100 Lateral Jump tucks

-Last Call:
Stretch and Recover

post time to comments

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011 HHS:

-Dynamic Warmup

-Teach Charlie the squat =)

-Ring Stability/Ring Dips



Sand bag thrusters

Sit-ups (but double the situps, so 42, 30, 18)

But do 6 burpees at the beginning of each minute

-Last Call:

Stretch and Recover

post time to comments

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 HHS:


Dynamic Stretches

5 mins of jump rope

HHS: 3 rounds

40 double unders or jump tucks

30 pushups


Last Call:

Ab circuit & Recovery

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011 HHS:


-Dynamic warm up:

400m run


-Max rounds in 15 mins:

5 wall walks

10 box jumps

15 lunges

Last Call:

-Abs Stretch & Recovery

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Welcome Back!

I'm glad everyone survived through the crazy Ice weather. Its been pretty nice outside so I think its time to start our workouts up again.

Today is a make up day from yesterday. I will be at the park by 4:30 If no one shows by 5 I will take it that no one is going to show and we will get started on Thursday.

-Dynamic Warm up

-For Time:

20 Squats

800m run

40 squats

400m run

40 squats

200m run

Stretch and Recovery after

Modified versions will be available

Friday, January 7, 2011

Last workout for a while...

Dont let this be you!!

Today is the last workout till further notice. I will still use this site to post things occasionally like workouts to do from home, nutrition information, events etc. When it warms up I would like to get a solid bootcamp going again in full force.

If anyone workouts out today we will either do the tabata Workout from Wednesday no one did, or we will come up with some other fun stuff. Its going to be a nice day so hopefully I will see some people at the park today.

I'm always here for advice and questions.

Josh S.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 HHS:

Bruce Lee Loves Tabata

Hollow body, Headstands & Handsands

Tabata Day!
-Box Jumps

Tabata is 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. Count yrou reps every 20 seconds and your least amount of reps completed in 20 seconds is your Tabata score.

Last Call:
40 Yard Sprints

Post your lowest tabata score for each exercise and fastest 40 to comments.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011 HHS:

Happy New Year Everyone! I'm not sure how long we will be able to workout outside so lets make sure we make it count when we do. I know everyone probably has certain goals they want to reach this new year, and we can all help each other get there. Its going to take some effort, consistency and accountability, but we can still have fun in the process. You can absolutely use this site for that too. Feel free to post your goals, new year resolutions, anything that you want to be held accountable for. I am going to be better about posting info for you guys and try to cover topics you might want to know more about. Just let me know what you want to know.
I'm pumped about getting started again!

Josh S.

Warm up/Strength:
Run Train

5-5-5-5-5 Ring Dips
3 Rounds
50 Squats
25 Burpees
400m Run

Mod 1:
3 Rounds
30 Squats
15 Burpees

Mod 2:
2 Rounds
50 Squats
25 Burpees
400m Run

Last Call:
KTE Train